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The Strenuous Life Podcast with Stephan Kesting

This is the Stephan Kesting's Grapplearts Radio Podcast where we discuss BJJ, Grappling, MMA, and all manner of martial arts training.

Stephan runs, where he has published many hundreds of martial arts videos, articles and tutorials.

His free guide to learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, A Roadmap for BJJ, has been downloaded more than 10,000 times and has become a foundational text for the art. Click here to download that book for free as well.

Stephan has a lengthy career in martial arts, spanning more than 3 decades.  He has dedicated many years to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and you can find his accessible and practical expertise on all BJJ matters at

A black belt in multiple martial art systems, he brings a range of approaches to self defense, and a critical eye for what works in the street.

Stephan has been featured in Black Belt Magazine, Ultimate Grappling, Tapout Magazine and Ultimate Athlete.

He is also a frequent guest on martial arts related podcasts, including The Fightworks Podcast, Atlantic MMA, Combatives Corner, The Warrior’s Den, The Spartan Underground and many more.

Oct 17, 2019

I talk with Chris Duffin, one of the most elite powerlifters in the world, about his absolutely inspiring journey from a childhood spent in poverty to becoming one of the strongest men on the planet. Learn what it's like to deadlift 1000 lbs and squat 900 lbs for reps!

Some of the highlights of today's episode include Chris talking about overcoming an upbringing in complete poverty, powerlifting at the highest levels, struggling with addiction, the importance of escaping bad influences, dealing with with injuries, how less is more when it comes to achieving big goals, and much more.

Follow Chris on Instagram at @mad_scientist_duffin and check out his training programs and unique training equipment at

If you like today's chat with Chris Duffin please subscribe to The Strenuous Life Podcast so you don't miss any future episodes.

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